Un nuovo approccio per lo studio del linfoma di Hodgkin tramite citometria a flusso
Il linfoma di Hodgkin sembra originarsi dalle cellule B dei centri germinativi ma non esprime la maggior parte dei marcatori tipici delle cellule B. A...

Trasformazione del linfoma anaplastico a grandi cellule ALK-positivo recidivante da pattern comune a composito…
Il linfoma anaplastico a grandi cellule ALK-positivo (ALK + ALCL, ALK-positive anaplastic large-cell lymphoma) è caratterizzato dall’espressione di...

Risk of cancer specific death among octogenarians with multiple myeloma: A population based analysis
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a hematologic malignancy characterized by the clonal proliferation of plasma cells in the bone marrow with a median age at...

The leucine rich 2 glycoprotein 1 levels in patients with multiple myeloma Study
Abstract Introduction Angiogenesis is considered important in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma (MM), as well as in the targeted treatment of the...

Intratumor microbiota: Occult participants in the microenvironment of multiple myeloma
More recently, microbiota was detected in several tumorous tissues including multiple myeloma (MM), but the roles of which is still under studied as...

Multiomic mapping of acquired chromosome 1 copy number and structural variants to identify therapeutic vulnerabilities…
Abstract Purpose Chromosome 1 (chr1) copy number abnormalities (CNAs) and structural variants (SV) are frequent in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma...