Oncologia Articolo scientifico SOX9 and SATB2 immunohistochemistry cannot reliably distinguish between osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma on biopsy… 26.05.2022 This study interrogated the preresection biopsies of a cohort of osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma with SATB2 and SOX9 in tandem
Oncologia Articolo scientifico Identification of key serum biomarkers for the diagnosis and metastatic prediction of osteosarcoma by analysis of immune… 12.05.2022 In summary, potential serum biomarkers for OS diagnosis and metastatic prediction were identified based on an analysis of immune cell infiltration
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Comparison of 18F-labelled fluoro-2-deoxyglucose-PET with conventional computed tomography for staging and response… 04.05.2022 For NLPHL, pre-therapeutic FDG-PET scan is better than CeCT staging. FDG-PET has much better specificity for response assessment than CeCT
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Pediatric Cutaneous Hematologic Disorders: Cutaneous Lymphoma and Leukemia Cutis: Experience of a Tertiary-Care… 28.04.2022 The most common subtype of cutaneous hematologic disease in our single institution study was lymphomatoid papulosis (type A and type C), followed by...
Oncologia Articolo scientifico In vitro selection of DNA aptamers against human osteosarcoma 30.03.2022 To find such probes, the cell-Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (cell-SELEX) methodology was implemented against the human...
Oncologia Articolo scientifico Tumor-Associated Antigens (TAAs) for the Serological Diagnosis of Osteosarcoma 23.02.2022 It is necessary to establish a method to identify patients diagnosed with OS at an early stage. It is becoming obvious that anti-tumor-associated...
Oncologia Articolo scientifico The diagnosis of pulmonary metastases on chest computed tomography in primary bone sarcoma and musculoskeletal soft… 07.02.2022 The current article reviews the literature from the past 20 years that has reported the CT features of pulmonary metastases in the setting of known...
Oncologia Articolo scientifico Structural and mechanical characteristics of exosomes from osteosarcoma cells explored by 3D-atomic force microscopy 03.02.2022 Here, we employed three-dimensional atomic force microscopy (3D-AFM) to reveal the structural and nanomechanical properties of exosomes at high...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico From Benign Inflammatory Dermatosis to Cutaneous Lymphoma. DNA Copy Number Imbalances in Mycosis Fungoides versus Large… 03.02.2022 Mycosis fungoides (MF) and large plaque parapsoriasis (LPP) evolution provide intriguing data and are the cause of numerous debates
Oncologia Articolo scientifico What Is the Comparative Ability of 18F-FDG PET/CT, 99mTc-MDP Skeletal Scintigraphy, and Whole-body MRI as a Staging… 01.02.2022 A prospective diagnostic study was performed among 54 of a total 66 consecutive osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma patients who presented between March...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico The value of high-frequency ultrasonography in the differential diagnosis of early mycosis fungoides and inflammatory… 27.01.2022 The clinical manifestations of early mycosis fungoides (eMF) are non-specific and similar to inflammatory skin diseases
Oncologia Articolo scientifico Diffusion-weighted imaging for the differentiation of Ewing sarcoma from osteosarcoma 13.01.2022 Diffusion-weighted imaging and ADC values could be used in the differentiation of Ewing sarcoma and osteosarcoma in borderline cases