Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Development and Validation of a Simplified Score to Predict Early Relapse in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma in a… 29.07.2022 On the basis of simple, widely available baseline features, the S-ERMM and DS-ERMM properly identified patients with different risks of ER and...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Prediction of High-Risk Cytogenetic Status in Multiple Myeloma Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Utility of Radiomics… 29.07.2022 The LR classifier performed better than the other classifiers based on different data (AUC: 0.65-0.82; P < 0.05)
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Presentation and Impact of Double and Triple hit Cytogenetics in Patients With Multiple Myeloma in the Real World 29.07.2022 Our findings suggest that multiple myeloma patients with double/triple hit cytogenetics on FISH have aggressive presentations, high early mortality...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico The Prognostic Role of MYC Structural Variants Identified by NGS and FISH in Multiple Myeloma 29.07.2022 NGS approaches should be considered as a replacement technique for a more comprehensive evaluation of the multiple myeloma clone
Oncoematologia Notizia Notizia Scenario epidemiologico dei pazienti giovani con mieloma multiplo che hanno ricevuto la diagnosi prima dei 40 anni:… 29.07.2022 Nel presente studio sono stati esaminati nel corso di un periodo di 15 anni, nell’era dei trattamenti moderni, 214 pazienti che avevano ricevuto...
Oncoematologia Notizia Notizia I pattern di coinvolgimento midollare distintivi del linfoma di Hodgkin classico sono indizi per la diagnosi e per la… 28.07.2022 Il coinvolgimento midollare nel linfoma di Hodgkin classico è infrequente e la subtipizzazione a partire dall’analisi del midollo osseo non è...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Prognostic role of red blood cell distribution width and platelet/lymphocyte ratio in early-stage classical Hodgkin… 27.07.2022 PLR was a robust prognostic factor for newly diagnosed early-stage cHL
Oncoematologia Notizia Notizia Co-espressione di MCT1 e MCT4 nel linfoma anaplastico a grandi cellule positivo per ALK: implicazioni diagnostiche e… 21.07.2022 Per analizzare il fenotipo metabolico dei linfomi maligni associati al trasporto del lattato, lo studio ha analizzato tramite immunoistochimica l...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Clinical characteristics and survival outcomes of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients presenting with… 20.07.2022 We retrospectively reviewed and compared the clinical features and outcomes in 226 MM patients with or without EMD at their diagnosis
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Pre-existing hypertension is associated with poor progression-free survival in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients 20.07.2022 Our study demonstrates that pre-existing hypertension was significantly associated with a lower PFS in newly diagnosed MM patients
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Trajectories of quality of life recovery and symptom burden after autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation in… 20.07.2022 We conclude that MM survivors who achieve disease control after AHCT have excellent recovery of FACT-BMT and subscale scores to population norms by 1...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico miRNA-seq and clinical evaluation in multiple myeloma: miR-181a overexpression predicts short-term disease progression… 20.07.2022 CD138+ overexpression of miR-181a was strongly correlated with inferior disease outcome and contributed to superior prediction of MM patients early...