Immunologia Notizia Notizia La scelta tra immunoglobuline endovenose e sottocutanee: aspetti da considerare. 30.03.2023 Le immunoglobuline per via endovenosa e le immunoglobuline sottocutanee sono utilizzate per trattare le immunodeficienze primarie e secondarie, nonché...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Characteristics and Outcomes for Hospitalized Patien ts With Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma 15.02.2023 A total of 79 hospitalized patients with CTCL were identified, including 52 (70.3%) men and 22 (29.7%) women, with a median (IQR) age at...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Palliative care utilization, transfusion burden, and end-of-life care for patients with multiple myeloma 10.02.2023 We aimed to examine specialist palliative care (SPC) involvement and end-of-life care for patients with MM