Oncologia Articolo scientifico Reoperation rate after breast conserving surgery as quality indicator in breast cancer treatment: A reappraisal 18.11.2020 To analyse the role of repeated breast surgery (RBS) after breast conserving surgery (BCS) as a quality indicator in a consecutive series of breast...
Oncologia Notizia Notizia La gestione della qualità nei percorsi di cura del cancro alla prostata: cosa ci insegnano i piani europei di controllo… 28.10.2020 Uno degli obiettivi più importanti è il miglioramento delle cure del cancro e il controllo della patologia
Oncologia Articolo scientifico Time to Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer Affects Survival: Implications for the American College of Surgeons… 07.10.2020 To optimize breast cancer care, the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer developed quality measures regarding receipt and timing of...
Oncologia Notizia Notizia Microbiota umano e sviluppo del cancro alla prostata: conoscenze attuali relative a prevenzione e trattamento 09.09.2020 Il microbiota umano può influenzare lo sviluppo di cancro alla prostata: ad oggi, numerosi studi si sono focalizzati sugli effetti delle infezioni...
Oncologia Articolo scientifico Breast Cancer Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Observational Clinical Study of the Breast Surgery Clinic at… 02.09.2020 Safe breast cancer surgery was accomplished for both patients and HCWs by means of a careful preoperative selection of patients and in-hospital...
Oncologia Articolo scientifico Feasibility and efficacy of a weight gain prevention intervention for breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant… 01.07.2020 This study examined the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an intervention designed to prevent primary weight gain among women receiving...
Oncologia Articolo scientifico Recent advances in radiotherapy of breast cancer 17.06.2020 For partial breast irradiation there are now two large trials available which support the role of partial breast irradiation in low risk breast cancer...
Oncologia Articolo scientifico Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy Recommendations in Response to COVID-19 10.06.2020 Across all prostate cancer stages, telemedicine consultations and return visits were recommended when resources/staff available
Oncologia Articolo scientifico Weekly radiotherapy in elderly breast cancer patients: a comparison between two hypofractionation schedules 28.04.2020 Weekly irradiation in breast cancer in elderly patients is a treatment option, whose tolerance may be influenced by the fractionation used