Oncoematologia Notizia Notizia Gli outcome clinici confermano le supposizioni: la radioterapia moderna riduce il rischio di tossicit tardiva nei… 15.03.2022 Numerosi studi, ampiamente citati in letteratura, hanno evidenziato la morbilità e la mortalità osservate nei pazienti sopravviventi al linfoma di...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Relapse localization in Danish pediatric patients with Hodgkin lymphoma 17.12.2021 Pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma (pHL) is highly curable. However, a minority experience relapse and are subjected to toxic salvage regimens
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Comparison of Interim PET Response to Second-Line Versus First-Line Treatment in Classic Hodgkin Lymphoma: Contribution… 13.12.2021 We performed a pairwise comparative analysis of early response to first- and second-line treatments in 127 patients with classic HL who experienced...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico 18 F-FDG PET/MRI for staging and interim response assessment in pediatric and adolescent Hodgkin lymphoma: a prospective… 05.12.2021 Treatment regimens for pediatric Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) depend on accurate staging and treatment response assessment, based on accurate disease...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Bleomycin lung toxicity: who are the patients with increased risk? 21.09.2021 The complex bleomycin-Fe has been the most studied because bleomycin joins the DNA and Fe at the same time, and release of free radicals happens in...