Eyelids may be affected in systemic, ocular adnexal and primary cutaneous lymphomas (PCLs). The frequency of eyelid involvement in PCLs is still not...
A retrospective study involving review of 71 medical records of patients diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma between February 2012 and January 2016 was...
Abstract Background Primary cutaneous lymphomas (PCLs) are a heterogenous group of non-Hodgkin lymphomas arising in the skin from T- or B-lymphocytes...
Maximum TBSA involvement, peak LDH, presence of ulceration, and decreased levels of CD8+ cells in the peripheral blood may predict the development of...
Il linfoma cutaneo a cellule T (CTCL, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma) è una neoplasia linfoide grave con prognosi infausta e per cui non sono disponibili...
MF in Korea has a high proportion of variants, a younger age at onset, and favorable prognosis. A high index of suspicion and skin biopsy are needed...
Lo studio si è posto l’obiettivo di descrivere l’incidenza e le caratteristiche demografiche dei pazienti con CTCL in Florida, effettuando ipotesi per...