Ematologia rara Articolo scientifico Effects of a non-pharmacological approach for chronic pain management in patients with haemophilia: efficacy of… 29.03.2021 To evaluate the effectiveness of a combined protocol based on psychology and physiotherapy in the improvement of CP self-efficacy in PWH with CP
Ematologia rara Articolo scientifico Acquired haemophilia A in the postpartum and risk of relapse in subsequent pregnancies: A systematic literature review 29.03.2021 This study delineates the characteristics of this disease, specific to the postpartum setting, notably relapse in subsequent pregnancies
Ematologia rara Articolo scientifico Hematuria in aging men with hemophilia: Association with factor prophylaxis 23.02.2021 Macroscopic hematuria is considered a significant risk factor for urologic disease, and it is highly prevalent in people with hemophilia.
Ematologia rara Articolo scientifico What COVID-19 can mean for people with hemophilia beyond the infection risk 23.02.2021 The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic represents an unprecedented global health crisis. To combat its effects, many governments have opted...
Ematologia rara Articolo scientifico Understanding haemophilia caregiver burden: does appraisal buffer the impact of haemophilia on caregivers over time? 08.01.2021 The present work investigated haemophilia caregiver and patient characteristics associated with change in negative and positive aspects of caregiving
Ematologia rara Articolo scientifico Acupuncture as a therapeutic resource for treatment of chronic pain in people with haemophilia 08.01.2021 Chronic pain is common in individuals with severe and moderate haemophilia who did not receive prophylaxis during childhood
Ematologia rara Articolo scientifico Physiotherapy interventions for pain management in haemophilia: A systematic review 08.01.2021 Approximately 35%-50% of people with haemophilia (PWH) report living with chronic musculoskeletal pain
Ematologia rara Articolo scientifico Implantable venous access devices in children with severe hemophilia: a tertiary pediatric institutional experience 08.01.2021 Clotting factor replacement forms the pillar of treatment for children with hemophilia
Ematologia rara Articolo scientifico Gastrointestinal bleeding from angiodysplasia in von Willebrand disease: improved diagnosis and outcome prediction using… 27.11.2020 Despite a high prevalence of angiodysplasia, no specific guidelines are available for the modalities of endoscopic exploration of GI-bleeding in VWD
Ematologia rara Articolo scientifico The perspectives of adolescents and young adults on adherence to prophylaxis in hemophilia: a qualitative study 27.11.2020 Adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with severe hemophilia use prophylaxis that requires a high level of adherence
Ematologia rara Articolo scientifico Patient and caregiver preferences for haemophilia A treatments: A discrete choice experiment 22.10.2020 Long-acting products are changing the haemophilia A treatment landscape by giving patients and caregivers treatment options with varying product...