Biopsia tiroidea nella diagnosi di linfoma: le performance diagnostiche e il ruolo dell’approccio multidisciplinare…
Per confrontare l’accuratezza diagnostica delle biopsie tiroidee (CNB, core needle biopsy) e delle biopsie escissionali (SEB, surgical excision...

Variazioni dell’istologia nel linfoma di Hodgkin nodulare a predominanza linfocitaria in una popolazione adulta:…
Un sottogruppo di pattern di varianti istologiche del linfoma di Hodgkin nodulare a predominanza linfocitaria (NLPHL, nodular lymphocyte-predominant...

Multi-omics analysis of multiple myeloma patients with differential response to first line treatment
The genome backgrounds of multiple myeloma (MM) would affect the efficacy of specific treatment. However, the mutational and transcriptional...

Sphenoid bone localization in the setting of highly aggressive and refractory Multiple Myeloma: A case report
Multiple Myeloma (MM) is the most common primary osseous malignancy in adults, and it mainly affects men aged between 50 and 70 years. Although rare...

Validation of a Diagnostic Model to Differentiate Multiple Myeloma from Bone Metastasis
Abstract Purpose A diagnostic model to differentiate multiple myeloma (MM) from bone metastasis (BM) in patients with destructive bone lesions (MM BM...

An MRI based radiomics nomogram for differentiating spinal metastases from multiple myeloma
Abstract Background Spinal metastasis and multiple myeloma share many overlapping conventional radiographic imaging characteristics, thus, their...

The diagnostic and prognostic value of haematologic parameters in multiple myeloma patients
Abstract Objectives Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant disease characterized by a single clonal proliferation of B cell derived plasma cells in the...

Metastatic Infiltration of Nervous Tissue and Periosteal Nerve Sprouting in Multiple Myeloma Induced Bone Pain in Mice…
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a neoplasia of B plasma cells that often induces bone pain. However, the mechanisms underlying myeloma induced bone pain...

LGR4 promotes tumorigenesis by activating TGF β1/ Smad signaling pathway in multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a common hematologic malignancy that remains incurable. Although accumulating evidence suggests that the leucine rich repeat...

Two cases of low back pain of unknown etiology diagnosed as multiple myeloma
We report two cases of patients complaining of lumbar back pain of unknown etiology which were finally diagnosed as multiple myeloma. The first case...