Gastroenterologia Notizia Notizia Cosa collega un aumento del rischio cardiovascolare e le IBD? Una review narrativa 04.11.2021 La comparsa della NAFLD è comune nelle persone obese, ma evidenze attuali suggeriscono diversi pathway anche nei pazienti sottopeso
Gastroenterologia Notizia Notizia L'altro lato della malnutrizione nelle IBD: la steatosi epatica non alcolica 02.11.2021 La comparsa della NAFLD è comune nelle persone obese, ma evidenze attuali suggeriscono diversi pathway anche nei pazienti sottopeso
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Bleomycin lung toxicity: who are the patients with increased risk? 21.09.2021 The complex bleomycin-Fe has been the most studied because bleomycin joins the DNA and Fe at the same time, and release of free radicals happens in...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico Advancing age and the risk of bleomycin pulmonary toxicity in a largely older cohort of patients with newly diagnosed… 20.09.2021 This study explores associations between age and BPT in a real-world cohort of largely older patients with HL and finally demonstrates a direct...
Oncoematologia Articolo scientifico The incidence of bleomycin induced lung toxicity is increased in Hodgkin lymphoma patients over 45 years exposed to… 15.09.2021 It is still debated whether BPT affects overall (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). We investigated the incidence of BPT along with possible...